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Boerne Youth Athletic Association

Boerne Youth Athletic Association



1. When will I know what team my child is on? 
The league will schedule Spring/Fall  Player Evaluations (not for tball) with the draft typically occurring the following week. After the draft is complete, managers will notify each player of what team they are on. Parents and players will be notified by email and/or phone call of their team placement as soon as teams are set.  Check the website for details as things progress.

2. What if I missed registration? 
Once registration is closed, any additional registrations will be put on a waiting list for the appropriate age division.  Because we have to proceed with evaluations and uniform/equipment orders, we cannot add players after registration unless there is a cancellation or opening. We do our best to accommodate for every registered player, and take players from the waiting list whenever possible.

3. How do I know if I am eligible to play in Boerne Little League ?
In order to play in BLL, your child's residence or school they attend must reside within the Boerne Little League Boundaries. To check if your home is located inside BLL boundaries, please check this website:

4. What does the league provide? 
A player's registration includes their team jersey, hat, socks and coordinating belt. Player is responsible for their own pants (color dictated by coach each season), non-metal cleats, helmet, and baseball/softball glove. Also, it is strongly suggested that all girls wear a face mask. If a player does not have a bat, they can share with other players on his/her team.  PLEASE NOTE that all equipment must meet Little League equipment guidelines: bats must be USA Certified (not USSSA).

5. My child has never played before, what level should he/she be placed?

It is our goal that players are drafted or placed into the appropriate division based primarily on their skill level although there are age restrictions as well. When you are online to register, your account will show applicable divisions for your player. Should you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected] 

6. Why does registration occur so far in advance? 

There is A LOT of planning and preparation that goes into properly setting up all the divisions for 800-1,000 players: coach selection, evaluations (for every division except tball), drafts, rosters, uniform/equipment orders, field scheduling, and so much more. All of our program staff are volunteers and work diligently, in their spare time, to organize a baseball/softball season for a HUGE league. All that said, we appreciate your understanding as we work through all the logistics.

7. When does the season start and end? 

The spring season typically starts early March, with assessments or "tryouts" late January, and ends with the school year. Games are random, Monday-Saturday.  In the fall, first games will typically be after labor day, and end by November 1st. Games in the fall are Monday-Thursday only. 

8.  What is the league's refund policy?  
Refunds are processed as follows:

  • When request is made prior to first tryout date - A $15 processing fee will be deducted from registration amount paid.
  • When request is made on or after first tryout date - Refund amount will be 50% of registration amount paid.
  • No refund will be made if a request is made on or after the date of the first scheduled games.


Tee Ball:
Tee Ball division is for boys and girls ages 4–6 WITH or WITHOUT a season of Tee Ball experience. Tee Ball is the Introduction to baseball with an emphasis on beginner skills development mixed with fun.
There are no tryouts for this division; teams will be assigned by the league’s Player Agent or Commissioner. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. may be honored at this level.
Within Tee Ball there are two sub-divisions which are generally segmented by age and/or experience, AA (4-5) and AAA (5-6).
There are no scores or standings kept for the Tee Ball division.

Tee Ball AA: The focus is on providing a Tee Ball experience that is grounded in fun, fitness, and fundamentals with the goal of growing a child’s love for the game. This sub-division will primarily be
comprised of 4 & 5 year olds based on level of experience.
Tee Ball AAA: The focus of this sub-division is to continue to build on the skills of AA but with a focus on preparing players for the next levels of baseball/softball. This sub-division will be mostly comprised of 6 yr olds but may have some 5 yr olds based on level of experience. Key differences are:
  • Introduction of Hybrid Tee Ball/Coach Pitch Hitting
  • Innings end at either 3 out or 5 runs scored.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.
AA Machine Pitch Baseball:
AA Machine Pitch Baseball division is for ages 6 and 7 year olds depending on skill level. Machine Pitch will introduce pitching machine with an emphasis on basic skills development. 
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via a draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

AAA Machine Pitch Baseball:
Machine Pitch Baseball division is for league age 7 and 8. Machine Pitch introduces an automated machine to pitch to batters and will place an emphasis position player development and continued development of the basic skills.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via a draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

AA Minors Baseball:
The Minor League Baseball division is for boys ages 9–10. The Minors Division is the introduction to player pitching with a continued emphasis on player development.  Players will be introduced to concepts such as stealing bases and have opportunities to develop greater understanding of how to play various positions on the field.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

AAA Minors Baseball:
The Minor League Baseball division is for boys ages 10–11. This division of Little League promotes a higher level of competition than "AA" and emphasizes more of the standard rules of Little League baseball. The focus in "AAA" remains on education, development and teamwork while encouraging a deeper understanding of the game and advancing skill development in order to prepare players for successful participation at the Majors level.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

Majors Baseball:
The Little League Baseball Division (sometimes known as the Major Division) is for boys ages 10–12, players 11 and under that tryout and are not selected for this division will have the option to play in the Minors Division.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. This Division plays by regulation Little League rules and would be considered the most competitive division for the eligible age group. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

Juniors Baseball:
The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys ages 13-15, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season.

Machine Pitch Softball:
The Minor League Softball division is for girls ages 6-8. The Machine Pitch Division is the introduction to player pitching with a continued emphasis on player development.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

Minors Softball:
The Minor League Softball division is for girls ages 8-10, players who are not drafted into the Minors Division will be eligible to be drafted into the Machine Pitch Division. The Minors Division is the introduction to player pitching with a continued emphasis on player development.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

Majors Softball:
The Little League Softball Division (sometimes known as the Major Division) is for girls ages 9–12, players 11 and under that tryout and are not selected for this division will have the option to play in the Minors Division.
Scores and standings are kept. Player Evaluations are required for this division and players are placed on teams via the draft process. This Division plays by regulation Little League rules and would be considered the most competitive division for the eligible age group. Personal requests to play with friends, etc. will not be honored at this level.
Requests to practice/play on specific days will not be honored.

Juniors Softball:
The Junior League Division is a program for girls ages 13-15. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season.

2025 Boerne Boundaries


Boerne Youth Athletic Association
PO Box 541 
Boerne, Texas 78006

Email: [email protected]

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